How can we increase public transport ridership in UK cities?

Private roundtable with Simon Lightwood MP, Shadow Minister for Local Transport

Event starts at 09:30 - 11:30 on 13 March 2024

Public transport ridership in the UK has been declining for many years, with usage far below European cities. Instead of aiming to return to pre-pandemic levels, the ambition should be to grow public transport usage in-line with European cities as a means to spur growth in our regional economies by connecting people to jobs and educational opportunities. But what needs to happen at a local level to achieve this? And what support will be needed from any future government?

This roundtable session with Simon Lightwood MP, Shadow Minister for Local Transport, will be an opportunity for particpants to discuss how to improve public transport ridership in UK cities and how this connects to the wider levelling up agenda. Discussion will also explore the policy interventions needed from Government and local authorities to boost public transport usage, how to fund improvements, and international examples of successfully encouraging modal shift.

Attendance is by invitation only, please contact us on the details below if a representative from your organisation is interested in attending.

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