
At the heart of everything we do is data and evidence. Explore our interactive data tools and dashboards for all the city stats you need.

Interactive Data Tools

Dig into the data of some of our past reports and explore Centre for Cities trackers which track the latest data on unemployment, high street recovery and Covid-19 cases.

Constituency data tool

This data tool breaks down local economic data across the 575 parliamentary constituencies in England and Wales, showing each constituency’s average performance on a range of economic indicators.

Data 30 May 2024
Cost of living tracker

The UK is in the grip of a cost of living crisis, and there is a clear North-South divide in how it is playing out across the country. Explore the latest data for your city or large town.

Data 19 Apr 2023

Visit Cities Outlook 2022

Cities Outlook 2022 explores how the pandemic has impacted the high streets of the UK's largest towns and cities

View the report

Showing 1–10 of 20 results.

Constituency data tool

This data tool breaks down local economic data across the 575 parliamentary constituencies in England and Wales, showing each constituency’s average performance on a range of economic indicators.

Data 30 May 2024
Cost of living tracker

The UK is in the grip of a cost of living crisis, and there is a clear North-South divide in how it is playing out across the country. Explore the latest data for your city or large town.

Data 19 Apr 2023
Metro mayor election results 2021

Explore the results of the mayoral elections in Greater London, Greater Manchester, West Midlands, Liverpool City Region, Tees Valley, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, West of England and West Yorkshire.

Data 12 May 2021