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Urban Voices: UK City Leaders’ Survey 2018
Rita Beden
Lahari Ramuni
Zach Wilcox
Siri Arntzen
| 5 December 2018
Urban Voices: UK City Leaders’ Survey 2018
Rita Beden
Lahari Ramuni
Zach Wilcox
Siri Arntzen
| 5 December 2018
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About the survey
Summary: Listening to the Urban Voice
Figure Overview of the survey findings
Leaders Surveyed
Figure Figure 1: Demographics and political party of survey respondents
Overall policy priorities
Figure Figure 2: Overall policy priorities: On which three policy priorities are you currently most focused?
Priorities within policy themes
Figure Housing
Figure Figure 3: Housing: What is the top priority for housing in your area in the next five years? (Please select one)
Figure Transport
Figure Figure 4: Transport infrastructure and provision: Of the following options, what are the top three priorities for developing or expanding transport services and infrastructure for your area over the short to medium term? (Please select three)
Figure Inclusive growth
Figure Figure 5: To achieve inclusive growth in your area, which of the following options are most important to improve? (Please select two)
Figure Skills
Figure Figure 6: Looking ahead to the labour market over the next 5 – 10 years, what are the three most important changes required in your area to meet your evolving skills requirements?
Figure Addressing climate change
Figure Figure 7a: This question refers to your involvement as a city leader in addressing climate change. Please rate how strongly you agree/disagree with the following statement: Cities should play a strong role in reducing the effects of climate change, even if it means sacrificing revenues and/or expending financial resources: (Please select one)
Figure Figure 7b: Response from the USA Mayors
Public service pressures
Figure Immediate pressures
Figure Figure 8: When delivering effective public services in your area, which of the following are under most pressure, if any? (Please select up to three)
Figure Challenges of service delivery
Figure Figure 9: When delivering effective public services in your area, which of the following are the biggest challenges, if any? (Please select up to three)
Public service funding
Figure How to spend it – Flexible or Certain?
Figure Figure 10: If you could make one change to the way money is spent in your area, which of the following, if any, would you choose? (Please select one)
Figure Funding from 2020
Figure How to spend it – A surprise capital grant
Figure Figure 12: You have been given a large capital grant to spend in your area. Of the following, what would you spend it on, regardless of whether you control them? Spread 100% of the funding across the following options:
Relationships and governance
Figure Cities on the national stage
Figure Figure 13: Do you believe the needs of urban areas are sufficiently represented at the national level?
Figure Getting on with the Government?
Figure Figure 14a: This question refers to the nature of your contact with both the National Government and local stakeholder groups. Thinking about the following stakeholder groups, how would you judge your relationship with them? Consider the level and frequency of engagement; responsiveness to changes in local policy; and support and contribution to local policy development.
Figure Getting on with the locals
Figure Figure 14b: This question refers to the nature of your contact with both the National Government and local stakeholder groups. Thinking about the following stakeholder groups, how would you judge your relationship with them? Consider the level and frequency of engagement; responsiveness to changes in local policy; and support and contribution to local policy development.
Figure Revisiting devolution
Figure Figure 15: This question addresses potential areas for future devolution of powers. Of the following policy areas, where would you expect to see the greatest positive local economic impact with more local control? Some you have much control over, some very little. Please pick all the options where more local control would be economically beneficial. (Please select at least one)
Responding to Brexit
Figure Figure 16: Ahead of the UK’s exit from the European Union, this question refers to the policy areas where you would like to see more local contribution or control. For which areas would you like to have more say over with regards to Brexit for your city? (Please tick any that apply)
Figure Housing – especially social housing – is a particular priority
Figure Adult skills are a priority – but not necessarily for funding
Figure Social care is under pressure – and needs more funding
Figure Leaders want a say over how to respond to Brexit
Figure Turning up the volume on the urban voice
11: Considering the upcoming spending review. In which policy area would you most like to see additional funding, and in which policy area would a spending freeze or cut have the least negative impact in your place?
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