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Trading Places 2
Naomi Clayton
| 30 March 2017
Trading Places 2
Naomi Clayton
| 30 March 2017
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Executive Summary
Figure Box 1: Definition of ‘exporters’
Exporters play an important role in the national economy
Figure The skills profile of exporters is more important than the sectoral profile for boosting productivity in cities
Figure Figure 1: Relationship between productivity and the sectoral profile of exporting sector in cities
Figure Figure 2: Relationship between productivity and the skill profile of exporting jobs in cities
Figure High skilled exporters are not evenly or randomly located across the UK
Figure The export base varies across different cities
Figure Box 2: Defining city centres and suburbs
Figure Figure 3: Relationship between the size of the export base and the skill profile of exporting jobs in city centres
Figure Figure 4: Relationship between the size of the export base and the skill profile of exporting jobs in suburbs
A typology of city centres and suburbs
Figure Figure 6: Skills profile of export base in city centres and suburbs
Figure Box 3: Developing a typology for city centres and suburbs
Factors that shape the nature of the export base in cities
Figure Access to skilled workers
Figure Figure 7: Percentage of working-age population with degree level qualifications by city centre typology
Figure Figure 8: Percentage of working-age population with degree level qualifications by suburb typology
Figure Figure 9: Relationship between percentage of the working-age population with degree level qualifications and the skill profile of exporting jobs in cities
Figure Access to dense city centres
Figure Figure 10: Density of jobs by city centre typology
Figure Figure 11: Relationship between density of jobs and the skill profile of exporting jobs in city centres
Figure Access to markets
Figure Figure 12: Average travel time to London by city centre typology
Figure Figure 13: Average travel time to London by suburb typology
Figure Figure 14: Relationship between travel time to London and the skill profile of exporting jobs in cities
Figure Limiting the costs of co-location
Figure Figure 15: Average rateable value per square metre by city centre typology
Figure Figure 16: Average rateable value per square metre by suburb typology
Differences between individual cities: no one-size-fits-all
Figure Figure 17: Summary of findings for all cities
Figure Case study 1: Sunderland: ‘small, low knowledge’ export base in city centre, ‘large, low knowledge’ export base in suburb
Figure Case study 2: Reading: ‘large, high knowledge’ export base in city centre and suburb
Figure Case study 3: Southend: ‘small, low knowledge’ export base in city centre and suburb
Figure Case study 4: Cambridge: ‘small, high-knowledge’ export base in city centre, ‘large, high-knowledge’ export base in suburb
Supporting growth in the UK’s export base through industrial policy
Figure The industrial strategy must work with the grain of the UK’s economic geography and make the most of its cities.
Figure Cities should be the framework for co-ordinating and delivering the industrial strategy
Figure The combination and prioritisation of different policies required to boost export activity will vary from city-to-city.
Place-based policy interventions to attract knowledge exporters: a broad menu of options
Figure 1.Investment in skills and education
Figure 2.Investment in housing
Figure 3. Investment in city-centre development
Figure 4. Investment in public transport systems
5: Typology of city centres and suburbs
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