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Talk of the Town
Paul Swinney
Rebecca McDonald
Lahari Ramuni
| 24 September 2018
Talk of the Town
Paul Swinney
Rebecca McDonald
Lahari Ramuni
| 24 September 2018
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Executive Summary
Figure Box 1: Defining towns and cities
The contribution of cities to economic and civic life
Figure Figure 1: The contribution of British cities
Figure Box 2: The benefits of agglomeration to exporting businesses
Figure Box 3: Where tax is generated and public money spent within cities
Figure Figure 2: Tax raising and public spending across Nottingham, 2013/14
Figure Figure 3: Share of population living in cities by age, 2017
Figure Figure 4: Migration by age in England and Wales, 2009-17
Figure Figure 5: Migration of degree holders from and to cities, 2011
The direct links between cities and towns
Figure Box 4: The economic scale of towns
Figure Cities provide jobs, particularly high-skilled ones, to town residents
Figure Towns close to cities have better employment outcomes than those in rural areas
Figure Figure 6: Share of residents unemployed or in receipt of long-term benefits, 2011
Figure Skills are a strong predictor of employment outcomes
Figure Figure 7: Town employment outcomes and skills of their residents, 2011
Figure Box 5: Out migration of degree holders from Hull
Figure Strong cities improve employment outcomes in nearby towns
Figure Figure 8: Town economic outcomes in relation to its economy and labour links with cities, 2011
Figure Box 6: The employment outcomes of towns around cities
Figure Figure 9: The employment outcomes of towns around cities, 2011
Figure Box 7: The relative importance of skills and neighbouring cities
Figure Figure 10: Regression of the determinants of unemployment outcomes in towns
Figure Strong cities boost investment in nearby towns
Figure Figure 11: The economic structure of a town, proximity to a city and cost of commercial space
Figure Box 8: The economic make-up of towns and cities
Figure Figure 12: Industrial structure in towns and cities, 2011
Figure Cities and London follow broader trends
Figure Figure 13: The performance of towns in the city regions of Core Cities and London’s hinterland, 2011
Figure Figure 14: Employment outcomes and skills of towns in Birmingham city region, 2011
Figure Box 5: Commuting links within Greater Manchester
Conclusions and policy implications
15: Share of residents commuting into Manchester local authority and Manchester city centre, 2011
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