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Parks and innovation
Anthony Breach
| 14 May 2019
Parks and innovation
Anthony Breach
| 14 May 2019
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Executive summary
The role of manufacturing in Sheffield City Region’s economy
Figure Why Sheffield City Region’s overall economy does not perform as well as other large cities
Figure Figure 1: Share of Workforce with degree level qualifications
Figure Figure 2: Gross value added in manufacturing per worker, 2016 (£)
Figure Box 1: What is advanced manufacturing?
Figure Figure 3: Share of workers across different types of advanced manufacturing and engineering activity
Figure Figure 4: GVA per worker across different types of advanced manufacturing and engineering activity
The performance of the AMP in Sheffield City Region and beyond
Figure Box 2: What are the AMP and AMRC?
Figure Figure 5: Advanced manufacturing and engineering, and manufacturing as a share of all jobs
Figure Box 3: Comparing the AMP to other parks
Figure Figure 6: Advanced Manufacturing and Manufacturing as a share of all local jobs
Figure The AMP is a small part of Sheffield City Region’s economy
Figure Figure 7: Advanced Manufacturing and Other Jobs
Figure Figure 8: Jobs by firm origin
Figure Figure 9: Median industry rateable value
Figure Figure 10: Workforce in high-level occupations
Figure Summary
What is the AMP model?
Figure How does the AMRC work?
Figure Historical background
Figure What makes the AMRC model different?
Figure Case study 1: Partnering with the AMRC to improve productivity
Figure Case study 2: Non-advanced manufacturing experiments with the AMRC
Figure Case study 3: Using Sheffield City Region’s knowledge to enhance production elsewhere
Figure Implications of the AMP model for the Industrial Strategy
Conclusions and recommendations
Figure Summary
Figure Policy Recommendations
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