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Mapping Britain’s public finances
Louise McGough
Paul Swinney
| 6 July 2015
Mapping Britain’s public finances
Louise McGough
Paul Swinney
| 6 July 2015
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Executive Summary
The relationship between tax and spend across Britain
Box 1: Methodology overview
A fiscal map of Britain
Figure 1: Composition of total British tax revenue, 2013/14
Local authority basis
Figure 2: ‘Economy’ taxes generated in local authorities, 2013/14
Figure 3: ‘Economy’ taxes generated in local authorities per worker, 2013-14
Political geographies
Figure 4: ‘Economy’ taxes generated in combined authorities and LEPs, 2013-14
Figure 5: ‘Economy’ taxes generated in combined authorities and LEPs per worker, 2013-14
Box 2: Combined Authorities and LEPs
A public expenditure map of Britain
Figure 6: Composition of total British public expenditure, 2013/14
Box 3: Categorisation of public expenditure
Local authority basis
Figure 7: Total Government expenditure in local authorities, 2013/14
Figure 8: Total Government expenditure in local authorities per resident, 2013/14
Figure 9: Differences between the local authorities with the lowest and highest levels of economy taxes raised per worker and spend per capita
Political geographies
Figure 10: Total Government expenditure in combined authorities and LEPs, 2013/14
Figure 11: Total Government expenditure in combined authorities and LEPs per resident, 2013/14
How tax and spend plays out across city-regions
Mapping tax across city-regions
Figure 12: Tax raised across Greater Manchester, Greater London and Greater Birmingham city-regions
Figure 13: Share of taxes raised across city-regions
Figure 14: Where property taxes are raised
Box 4: The role of property taxes
Mapping public expenditure across city-regions
Figure 16: Public expenditure across city-regions
Figure 17: Share of public expenditure across city-regions
Appendix 1: Methodology
Drawing the fiscal map of Britain
Table 1: Full breakdown of methodology for apportioning taxes
Drawing the public expenditure map of Britain
Appendix 2: Political Geographies
Figure 18: Coverage of 37 political geographies
Table 2: Coverage of 37 political geographies
Table 3: Designating of local authorities in instances where they are a member of more than one political geography
Appendix 3: Tax and Spend Data Tables
Total economy taxes generated, 2013/14
Economy taxes generated per worker, 2013-14
Total public expenditure, 2013/14
Public expenditure per resident, 2013-14
Appendix 3: Tax and Spend Data Tables
Total economy taxes generated, 2013/14
Economy taxes generated per worker, 2013-14
Total public expenditure, 2013/14
Public expenditure per resident, 2013-14
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