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The Great British Brain Drain
Paul Swinney
Maire Williams
| 21 November 2016
The Great British Brain Drain
Paul Swinney
Maire Williams
| 21 November 2016
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Executive Summary
The nature of migration within England and Wales
Box Figure 1: Migration by age group, 2009-2015
Box Figure 2: Qualifications of movers by age, 2010-2011
Box Figure 3: Destination of movers by qualification for city groups, 2010-2011
Box Figure 4: Net inflow by qualification for individual cities, 2010-2011
Box Figure 5: Net inflow by age and qualification for city groups, 2010-2011
Box Summary
The migration of students and graduates
Box Figure 6: Share of all students at university in 2014/15 by their home and university town
Box Figure 7: Net flows of students at university in 2014/15
Box Figure 8: Where students at university in 2014/15 came from
Box Graduation signals a stark change in movements, with London the big winner
Box Figure 9: Flow of graduates six months after graduation, 2013/14 and 2014/15
Box Figure 10: Share of all working graduates six months after graduation
Box London’s success is based on its ability to both retain and attract graduates
Box Figure 11: Graduate retention rate by city, 2013/14 and 2014/15
Box Figure 12: Distribution of those who worked in a different city after graduation to where they studied, 2013/14-2014/15
Box Figure 13: Net flow of graduates from other cities to London, 2013/14-2014/15
Box Box 1: The march of the returners
Box London’s attraction is even greater for high achievers
Box Figure 14: Share of all moving graduates by institution and class of degree, 2013/14-2014/15
Box Most cities experience a graduate gain
Box Figure 15: The balance between the loss of domiciled students against the gaining of graduates from elsewhere, 2013/14 – 2014/15
Box Figure 16: The bouncers and the graduate gain, 2013/14-2014/15
Box Box 3: City case studies
Box Figure 17: The distribution of where students live, where they study and where they move to after graduation, 2013/14 – 2014/15
Box Box 4: The composition of cities’ new graduate workforces
Box Summary
What drives the geography of new graduates?
Box Figure 18: The size of the graduate labour market and the share of graduates that work in the city they grew up in, 2013/14-2014/15
Box Figure 19: The size of the graduate labour market and mean graduate wages, 2013/14-2014/15
Box Figure 20: Share of new graduate positions in publicly-funded jobs and KIBS and the graduate gain, 2013/14-2014/15
Box Figure 21: Share of new graduates working in publicly-funded and KIBS jobs, 2013/14-2014/15
Box Figure 22: The publicly-funded and private sectors in the new graduate jobs market, 2013/14-2014/15
Box Box 5: The role of publicly funded industries in the new graduate labour market
Box Figure 23: Graduate gain and housing affordability, 2013/14-2014/15
Box Figure 24: Correlations between the share of graduates by achievement and housing affordability, 2013/14-2014/15
Box Amenities matter but not as much as employment factors
Box Figure 25: Graduates employed in higher level occupations and the ‘graduate gain’, 2013/14-2014/15
Box Summary
Do graduates return home in later life?
Box Figure 26: Net flows to London of degree holders aged 22-25 and 31-45, 2011
Box Box 6: Examples of graduate attraction and retention policies
Conclusions and Policy Recommendations
Box Policy recommendations
Data and Methodology Note
2: The movements of Oxbridge students and graduates
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