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Getting moving
Simon Jeffrey
Kathrin Enenkel
| 6 March 2020
Getting moving
Simon Jeffrey
Kathrin Enenkel
| 6 March 2020
Select Chapter
Where can transport investment level up growth?
Box Box 1: The wider benefits of better transport
The importance of city centres to the national economy
Box Box 2: Definition of city centres
Box Figure 1: The size and composition of a city centre’s exporting base and the density of the city centre
Box Box 3: The role of exporting businesses in city economies
Box Figure 2: Growth rates of city centre’s jobs density over time
What role does transport play in densifying city centres?
Box Box 5: What is meant by investment in new transport infrastructure?
Box Box 6: City definition and NIC intra-urban employment accessibility index methodology
Box Box 7: Understanding the data
Box Why focus on peak-time journeys?
Box Figure 3: NIC’s employment accessibility score by fastest mode (car) and fastest public transport, 2016
Box Figure 4: NIC’s employment accessibility score by fastest mode (car) against city centre jobs density
Box Figure 5: NIC’s employment accessibility score by public transport against city centre jobs density
Box Box 8: How Brighton has supported city-centre growth by better use of the road network
Box Box 9: Repairing links to city-centre opportunities through bus priority measures
Box Figure 6: Combined authority primary-city centre jobs density and transport-capacity utilisation
Box Figure 10: NIC urban transport capacity data
Box Box 11: Build it and they still might not come
What needs to change
4: The role transport cannot play
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