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Edward Clarke
Simon Jeffrey
| 16 November 2015
Firm views
Edward Clarke
Simon Jeffrey
| 16 November 2015
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Setting the context
Do businesses feel they will benefit from devolution?
Box Figure 1: “Do you think your business would benefit if the local government had more or less power over the following areas?”
Box Figure 2: “Do you think your business would benefit if the local government had more or less power over strategic planning?”
Box Figure 3: “Do you think your business would benefit if the local government had more or less power over the transport network in the local area?”
Would businesses pay more tax to fund investment in their city?
Do businesses favour Mayors?
Box Figure 4: “Overall, do you think that having an elected Mayor in the area your business is mainly based would be / is an advantage or disadvantage for your business?”
Do businesses feel that their voice is being heard?
Box Figure 5: “To what extent, if at all, do you feel that local government leaders have consulted you / your business for your views about proposals for more devolved powers?”
Box Figure 6: “As a business owner do you feel that you have had the opportunity to voice your opinion in the devolution process?”
Box How should business be consulted?
1: The research process
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