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Delivering change: Making transport work for cities
Zach Wilcox
Nada Nohrová
| 1 May 2014
Delivering change: Making transport work for cities
Zach Wilcox
Nada Nohrová
| 1 May 2014
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Executive Summary
Introduction and policy context: transport matters for dynamic cities
Figure Transport is not working in UK cities
Figure Cities face big challenges in making transport work for the economy
Figure Box 1: Five key challenges for investing in better transport for cities
Figure Report Outline
Transport essential for growth in cities
Figure How do people use transport in cities?
Figure Figure 1: Commuting patterns in UK cities
Figure Who is responsible for making transport work for people and the economy?
Figure Box 2: The emerging role of LEPs
How can cities make transport work for them?
Figure Local regulation of bus services for all transport authorities
Figure Box 3: Regulation for better bus services in Helsinki
Figure Box 4: Benefits of Smart Ticketing
Figure Long-term funding settlements
Figure Box 5: Long-term funding for projects can support the transportation industry
Figure Box 6: Central government support for local transport in France
Figure Local funding for local transport
Figure Box 7: Local taxes, fees and charges to fund transport projects
Figure Single management of transport systems: helping people commute across the city region
Figure Integrating transport into the wider growth agenda
Figure Figure 3: The knock-on effects of cuts to transport spending across different government departments and the impacts on growth
Figure Figure 8: Weighing the benefits of transport within other economic priorities
TfL is a model for transport investment and management in other UK cities
Figure What next for London?
Five recommendations for Whitehall and cities
Figure Figure 4: Tailored devolution for transport
Figure Recommendations for all cities
Figure Integrated Transport Authorities (ITAs) for city regions
Figure Next Steps: Making transport work for cities
Appendix: Combined authorities and Integrated Transport Authorities
Figure What is a combined authority?
Figure What is an Intergrated Transport Authority?
2: Modes of commuting in Great Britain, 2012
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