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Delivering change: building homes where we need them
Edward Clarke
Nada Nohrová
Elli Thomas
| 31 October 2014
Delivering change: building homes where we need them
Edward Clarke
Nada Nohrová
Elli Thomas
| 31 October 2014
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Executive Summary
Figure To deliver the homes needed, city decision-makers should…
There is land to build homes for the least affordable cities
Figure 1. Making the most of suburbs: more homes within existing cities.
Figure Figure 3: Brownfield opportunities and suburban densities
Figure Box 2: Figures for brownfield analysis
Figure 2. Why brownfield sites are not enough
Benefits and challenges of the green belt
Figure Rethinking the green belt on a case by case basis
Figure Figure 4: Green belt areas close to transport
Figure Figure 3: Figures for Green belt analysis
Figure Box 4: How does the green belt designation work?
City case studies: where are the opportunities for new homes?
Figure London
Figure Figure 5: Opportunities for new homes in London
Figure Oxford
Figure Figure 6: Opportunities for new homes in Oxford
Figure Cambridge
Figure Figure 7: Opportunities for new homes in Cambridge
Figure Bristol
Figure Figure 8: Opportunities for new homes in Bristol
How can cities make more of their opportunities
Figure 1. Strategic site allocation and densification
Figure Case study London: Opportunity Areas and Housing Zones – strategically designating sites and offering tools to house builders
Figure Case study Bristol: strategic and joined-up working to deliver homes
Figure Case study Ealing: acting entrepreneurially to meet housing needs
Figure 2. Building new suburbs
Figure Case study Milton Keynes Tariff: funding infrastructure upfront
Figure Case study New Towns and Garden Cities: recycling money for infrastructure
Figure Case study Milton Keynes Development Company
Figure Case study Ørestad, Copenhagen: using public assets to fund infrastructure
Figure Case study CPO powers fit for purpose: France, Netherlands and Germany
Figure Case study Paleiskwartier, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
Figure Case study Strategically releasing green belt: Cambridge and Cheshire East
Figure Case study Communities allocating land for homes and parks – Leipzig-Halle green ring
Figure 3. Working with neighbouring authorities to meet demand
Figure Case study The duty to co-operate is not enough: contrasting Cambridge and Oxford
Figure Case study Incentivising local authorities to form planning partnerships – Montpellier
Figure Case study National strategic planning to enforce co-operation – VINEX, Netherlands
1: Least affordable cities in Great Britain (House prices relative to income)
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