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City by city
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Cities Outlook
Industrial strategy
Competing with the continent
Hugo Bessis
| 22 September 2016
Competing with the continent
Hugo Bessis
| 22 September 2016
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Executive Summary
Box Figure 1: Jobs by region, 2011
Box Figure 2: Cities and countries analysed in this report
Box Box 1: Definition, geographies and methodology
The role of cities in their national and European economies
Box Figure 3: The city share of the national economy, 2011
Box Figure 4: Largest cities’ share of national gross value added (GVA), 2011
Box Figure 5: European cities by GVA, 2011
Box Figure 6: Top 20 European cities (GVA £ billion), 2011
Box Figure 7: Cities contribution to the European urban economy, 2011
City performance across Europe
Box Industrial structure
Box Figure 8: Cities by share of manufacturing and utilities jobs, 2011
Box Figure 9: Cities by share of business services jobs, 2011
Box Skills
Box Figure 10: Share of high-skilled residents (cities and countries), 2011
Box Figure 11: share of low-skilled residents, 2011
Box Figure 12: Low-skilled population, 2011
Box Innovation
Box Figure 13: Patents per 100,000 inhabitants, 2011
Box Figure 14: Patents per 100,000 inhabitants, 2011
Box Figure 15: Patents per 100,000 inhabitants of largest cities (more than a million inhabitants), 2011
Box Box 3: Innovative cities profile
Box Employment
Box Figure 16: Distribution of cities by employment rate, 2011
Box Productivity
Box Figure 17: Average city and country productivity, 2011
Box Figure 18: Productivity across Europe, 2011
Box Box 3: The “productivity puzzle”
Box Industrial structure and productivity
Box Figure 19: Productivity comparison of UK cities to European most similar city, 2011
Box Figure 20: Industrial structure and productivity in Manchester and Hamburg, 2011
Box Figure 21: Large EU cities by productivity, 2011
Conclusion and Implications
Appendix 1: UK cities by productivity, 2011
Appendix 2: Data sources
Box Population 2011
Box Business Stock per 100, 000 population
Box Unemployment rate 2011 (%)
Box Employment rate 2011 (%)
Box GVA 2011 (£ billion) and GVA per worker 2011
Box Industrial structure
Box Total jobs 2011 (thousand)
Box Level of skills 2011 (%)
Box Patent applications to the EPO 2011 (per 100,000 of population)
Appendix 3: Definitions
Box Industrial structure definition
Box Skills definition
Box Purchasing Power Parities
2: Medium skilled workers in Germany
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