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City deals and skills
Naomi Clayton
Louise McGough
| 2 July 2015
City deals and skills
Naomi Clayton
Louise McGough
| 2 July 2015
Select Chapter
Executive Summary
Box Features of an effective demand-led local employment and skills system
Box Towards a demand-led system – key findings
How is the system changing?
Box The localism agenda from 2010 to 2015
Box Figure 1: Local economic development policy 2010-2015
Box Box 1: Working Capital: the London pilot to help ESA claimants into employment
Box Box 2: Summary of employment and skills deals in Greater Manchester
Box Box 3: Summary of employment and skills deals in Sheffield City Region
Box Flexing national policy, filling gaps and piloting new approaches
Box A varied landscape
Key elements of a demand-led local system for employment and skills
Box Six key elements of a demand-led local employment and skills system
Box Figure 2: Six key elements of a demand-led employment and skills system
How have the deals enabled local partners to respond to local demand?
Box 1. Partnership arrangements
Box 2. Employer engagement
Box Case study 1: Employer involvement in the design training programmes in Greater Manchester and Sheffield City Region
Box 3. High-quality labour market intelligence
Box 4. Shared objectives
Box 5. Alignment with delivery partners
Box Box 7: The Manchester Working Well pilot
Box 6. Performance management and evaluation
Box Summary
Box Recommendations
4: Skills Funding Incentive pilots
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