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Cities Outlook 2018
Centre for Cities
| 29 January 2018
Cities Outlook 2018
Centre for Cities
| 29 January 2018
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The state of urban Britain in 2018
Figure Figure 1: The political divides across urban Britain
Figure Figure 2: The economic divides across urban Britain
Figure Why economic divides exist across the country
Figure Devolution and local leadership
Figure Box 1: Defining cities
The future of work in cities
Figure Box 2: Methodology
Figure Cities and the risk of job losses
Figure Box 3: Displacement in big cities
Figure Figure 3: Share of jobs in occupations likely to shrink
Figure Box 4: What types of jobs are at risk?
Figure Figure 5: The relationship between jobs at risk of decline, productivity per worker (left) and welfare spend per capita (right)
Figure Cities and past trends in the labour market
Figure Box 5: The rise and fall of occupations in the last century
Figure Figure 6: Jobs that have mostly been replaced by automation
Figure Box 6: Defining occupations in 1911
Figure Figure 8: Growth in jobs, 1911-2016
Figure Cities and jobs likely to see an increase in demand to 2030
Figure Box 7: The current composition of jobs likely to grow in the future
Figure Figure 9: Occupational breakdown for existing jobs likely to grow to 2030
Figure Figure 10: Breakdown of the type of jobs likely to grow in each city to 2030
Figure Figure 11: Jobs likely to decline and the composition of jobs likely to increase
Figure Policy has not focused on helping people and places to adapt
Figure Figure 12: The relationship between incapacity benefits and publicly-funded jobs
Figure Figure 13: Share of 50-64 year olds with no formal qualifications
Figure Figure 14: Differences in economic outcomes between cities in the South and cities elsewhere in Britain
Figure Figure 15: The EU Referendum result and share of jobs likely to grow that are in higher-skilled private sector activities
Figure Policy implications
City monitor 2018
Figure Figure 16: Cities as a share of the national average
Figure Population
Figure Table 1: Population growth
Figure Business dynamics
Figure Table 2: Business starts and closures per 10,000 population
Figure Figure 3 Business stock per 10,000 population
Figure Productivity and innovation
Figure Table 4: GVA per worker
Figure Figure 17: GVA per worker
Figure Box 8: Measuring Innovation
Figure Table 5: Patent applications published per 100,000 residents
Figure Employment
Figure Table 6: Employment rate
Figure Table 7: Jobseeker’s Allowance claimant count
Figure Table 8: Private sector jobs growth
Figure Table 9: Ratio of private sector to publicly-funded jobs
Figure Skills
Figure Table 10: Residents with high level qualifications
Figure Figure 18: Residents with high-level qualifications
Figure Table 11: Residents with no formal qualifications
Figure Wages
Figure Table 12: Average workplace wages
Figure Inequality
Figure Table 13: Gini coefficient
Figure Figure 19: The relationship between productivity and inequality
Figure Housing
Figure Table 14: Housing stock growth
Figure Table 15: House price growth
Figure Table 16: Housing affordability ratio
Figure Environment
Figure Table 17: Total CO2 emissions per capita
Figure Digital connectivity
Figure Table 18: Premises achieving ultra-fast broadband speeds (greater than 100 Mbps)
Figure Figure 16: GVA per worker
7: Share of all jobs at risk because of automation and globalisation 1911
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