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Cities Outlook 2017
Centre for Cities
| 30 January 2017
Cities Outlook 2017
Centre for Cities
| 30 January 2017
Select Chapter
Cities Outlook 2017 Introduction
Box The national picture
Box Figure 1: Key findings from Centre for Cities’ 2016 research
Box The local picture
Box This year’s focus
Where do UK cities export to?
Box Cities and their exports
Box Figure 2: Total value of exports by city
Box Figure 3: Exports per job
Box Box 2: Top services-exporting cities
Box Figure 4: Services exports per job
Box Figure 5: Services as a share of all exports
Box Figure 6: The largest single sector contributor to total exports
Box Figure 7: The location of exports from selected industries
Box Figure 8: Selected destinations of exports from British cities
Box Figure 9: Share of exports to the EU
Box Figure 10: Dependence on foreign markets
Box How exports relate to wider economic performance
Box Figure 11: The relationship between exports and productivity
Box Figure 12: The relationship between services exports, goods exports and productivity
Box Figure 13: Grouping of cities according to exports per job and productivity
Box Summary and policy implications
Box Box 3: Methodology
City Monitor: the latest data
Box Figure 14: Cities as a share of the national average
Box Population
Box Table 1: Population growth
Box Business Dynamics
Box Table 2: Business starts and closures per 10,000 population
Box Figure 3 Business stock per 10,000 population
Box Productivity and Innovation
Box Table 4: GVA per worker
Box Figure 15: GVA per worker
Box Box 4: Measuring innovation
Box Table 5: Patent applications published
Box Employment
Box Table 6: Employment rate
Box Table 7: Claimant count
Box Table 8: Private sector jobs growth
Box Table 9: Ratio of private sector to publicly-funded jobs
Box Skills
Box Table 10: Residents with high level qualifications
Box Table 11: Residents with no formal qualifications
Box Figure 16: Residents with no formal qualifications
Box Wages
Box Table 12: Average workplace wages
Box Inequality
Box Table 13: Gini coefficient
Box Housing
Box Table 14: Housing stock growth
Box Table 15: House price growth
Box Table 16: Housing affordability ratio
Box Environment
Box Table 17: Total CO2 emissions per capita
Box Digital connectivity
Box Table 18: Properties achieving ultrafast broadband speeds (above 100 Mbps)
1: Defining cities
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