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A century of cities
Paul Swinney
Elli Thomas
| 4 March 2015
A century of cities
Paul Swinney
Elli Thomas
| 4 March 2015
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Executive Summary
Box Box 1: Methodology
1. A century of city performance
Box Job creation in cities over the last 100 years
Box Figure 1: Growth in jobs, 1911-2013
Box Figure 2: Growth in jobs, 1911-2013
Box The changing role of cities
Box Figure 3: The changing role of cities
Box Box 2: The drivers of change in cities over the 20th century
Box Figure 4: A century of change
Box Reinvention and replication
Box Figure 5: Jobs growth, reinvention and replication
Box Figure 6: Replication, reinvention and modern economic performance
Box Figure 7: The geography of knowledge, 2013
2. What determines the geography of knowledge?
Box Why businesses locate where they do
Box Figure 8: The correlation between skills and private sector KIBS jobs
Box Box 3: Patterns of foreign direct investment
Box Figure 9: Reinvention, replication and foreign investment
Box History matters – The ability to create and transfer knowledge is a long running trend
Box Figure 10: Knowledge services jobs in 1911 and private sector KIBS jobs in 2013
Box Box 4: The past as a predictor of the present
Box Figure 11: Regression of share of KIBS jobs, 2013 against 1911 industrial structure
Box High-knowledge and low-knowledge pathways
Box Figure 12: High- and low-knowledge pathways
3. Are cities bound by these pathways?
Box City growth is not deterministic or linear
Box Case study 1: A century of change in Manchester
Box Figure 13: Manchester’s changing industrial structure
Box Case study 2: A century of change in Birmingham
Box Figure 14: Birmingham’s changing industrial structure
Box Public policy has played a role
Box Case study 3: The blank slates – Milton Keynes and Telford
Box Policies explicitly designed to close the ‘North-South divide’ have not fostered reinvention
Box Figure 15: 80 years of policy attempting to rebalance the economy
Box Box 6: City Deals Wave 2
Box Figure 16: Share of manufacturing jobs that are high-knowledge, 2011
Box Case study 4: A century of change in Sunderland
Box Case study 5: A century of change in Blackpool
Box Case study 6: A century of change in Brighton
4. Implications for the direction of policy
Box Figure 17: Knowledge pathways and the role of policy
Box Definitions of 1911 Census data
5: From punched cards to super computers – the progression of IBM
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