The first metro mayor of the Tees Valley will need a vision for the city region and clear strategic, deliverable policies to meet it.
The challenge and workload will be considerable, with powers and expectations ranging from delivering policy, to establishing the institutions and capacity for effective city region governance. This briefing outlines three priorities that address the biggest issues facing the Tees Valley. It also offers steps to help the new metro mayor have an impact in their first term.
- A ‘quick win’ will help the mayor to set the tone for delivery right from the start.
- Strategic decisions form the framework for delivering the metro mayor’s vision.
- A long term vision for the city region will be the key election platform – it is what the mayor is working towards while in office.
Policy priority 1: A quick win
Urgently respond to the SSI closure by setting out a plan to help people retrain and access other jobs.
- Prioritise retraining those who lost their jobs
- Work with Whitehall to gain the best results from investment in retraining
- Learn from what has worked in other places
Policy priority 2: A strategic aim
Help long-term unemployed people across the city region get into work
- Learn from how other places have reintegrated the long-term unemployed
- Capitalise on the opportunities presented by Government pilots
Policy priority 3: A longer term vision
Make the most of Middlesbrough city centre to attract more high-skilled, high-waged firms and jobs in a range of industries
- Concentrate investments in Middlesbrough city centre rather than out-of-town sites
- Support the conditions for growth including the built environment