Here’s the deal: Overview of the “Wave 1” City Deals

Overview of the Wave 1 City Deals

Briefing published on 4 July 2012 by Rachel Smith

Cities are critical to future economic growth; they house 55 percent of businesses, 61 percent of jobs and deliver 65 percent of GVA. This is why today’s announcement that City Deals have now been brokered with all eight core cities – Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle,Nottingham and Sheffield – is so important.

City Deals are bespoke agreements between cities and Government which give cities some of the additional powers, responsibilities, flexibilities and freedoms they need to better support economic growth in their areas. This briefing note provides an overview of the City Deals agreed. Further information on the City Deals process can be found in Deal or no Deal? A progress report on City Deals.

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