City Employment Briefing

A new briefing on the latest city employment data from the Business Register & Employment Survey (BRES)

Briefing published on 28 September 2012 by Rachel Smith

On 28 September, the latest employment estimates for 2011, taken from the Business Register and Employment Survey, were released.

This data is most welcome given the recent jobs-output conundrum. Indeed, the most recent figures on the economy revealed that whilst employment has been rising and unemployment falling in 2012, output contracted. This implies that the productivity of the UK economy is falling and it is hard to see how employment can continue to rise if output continues to fall.

The release provides more information on employment levels for a year earlier, 2011. And, although this data is not comparable with previous years,  it does provide additional information on employment levels in Great Britain’s cities as well as shedding light on the share of employment across different sectors of the economy.

The analysis we present here looks on a city-by-city basis at:

  • Total employment;
  • The share of employment in the private and public sectors;
  • The share of employment in manufacturing and service sectors;
  • The share of employment in knowledge intensive businesses (KIBs).

Download city-by-city table of total employment and public/private employment share

Download city-by-city table of manufacturing, services and KIBS share