Centre for Cities releases a press statement in advance of the full enactment of the NPPF.
Statement from Alexandra Jones, Chief Executive of Centre for Cities:
“It is disappointing that reports suggest that just 7% of councils have made their local plans compliant with the National Planning Policy Framework in time for tomorrow’s deadline. Where no local plan exists, the presumption in favour of sustainable development kicks in. Local areas are better placed to make decisions about their future than national government and they must take a lead in deciding the scale of new development their local communities need, and where it would be best located. The onus remains on local authorities to update their local plans to ensure that they continue to retain significant influence over how their areas change.
In the meantime, Government should put housing delivery at the heart of plans for boosting growth in the UK economy. The UK urgently needs to build 230,000 new homes every year just to keep pace with demand. The NPPF recognises this need, and those places where affordability is currently most constrained and where demand for new housing is greatest should be sure to prioritise increasing the supply of new housing when developing their local plans in the months ahead.”