City Talks: Simon Parker on shifting power to cities and local areas

Andrew Carter talks to the NLGN's Simon Parker about his new book Taking Power Back.

Podcast published on 14 January 2016

This month Andrew is joined by Simon Parker, Director of the NLGN, to discuss his new book Taking Power Back: Putting People in Charge of Politics [Amazon].

Simon explains how the UK has gradually concentrated power in Whitehall and Westminster over the course of the post-war period, and argues that the peculiarly British experiment with centralisation has failed. Instead, international social and technological trends point to new ways of delivering public services that puts local people in the driving seat.

Using examples like the Occupy movement in New York, Simon outlines this new ‘libertarian socialist’ ideal of ‘the commons’, and how it can work in practice. He suggests that the city devolution agenda taken up by the current government is welcome, but should only be the first step to pushing more power down to local communities.

Listen to the episode directly below, or download it (right click and select ‘save as’). You can also subscribe to this series on iTunes.