Andrew talks to Prof Robin Hambleton of the University of the West of England about his book 'Leading the Inclusive City'.
In this episode, Andrew talks to Robin Hambleton, Professor of City Leadership at the University of the West of England, about his book Leading the Inclusive City. Robin argues that globalisation has created new challenges for city leaders, who have to contend with ‘place-less’ forces like multinational corporations, and the growth of inequality and environmental damage as a result of urbanisation. In his book, he picks out 17 ‘innovation stories’ from around the world detailing how leaders have responded to these issues. The conversation also touches on the influence of ‘neoliberal’ ideas on policy, the problems with the deal-based approach to devolution in the UK, the significance of the new Mayors of Bristol and London, and why academics should engage with practitioners and the cities in which they are based.
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