General election 2024

In Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ first speech after the General Election, she confirmed that the Government’s number one mission will be economic growth, measured as changes in GDP per capita. Whether its addressing the productivity gap between the UK and its G7 peers, nurturing the green shoots of growth in cutting-edge industries or tackling the housebuilding backlog, any plan for economic growth relies on improving the economic performance of the UK’s BIG cities.

Centre for Cities’ General Election section shows how looking at geography changes and deepens our understanding of this growth mission and the new Government’s other policy priorities.

The first 100 days


Key materials

Constituency data tool

This data tool breaks down local economic data across the 575 parliamentary constituencies in England and Wales, showing each constituency’s average performance on a range of economic indicators.

Data 30 May 2024
Places to watch

We have selected four places in England where we think urban issues are going to be decisive in the contest to gain local parliamentary constituencies: Stoke, York, Bristol and Milton Keynes. ...

Page 30 May 2024

Our work on the election

Showing 1–10 of 13 results.

Industrial strategy must focus on making us better than Germany


Peter Mandelson had a crack at one in 2009. Theresa May had another go in 2017. And there have been a raft of other economic strategies too. Yet despite this we’re going to go round the block again – the new Government is going to write another industrial strategy. If this one isn’t to join the others in the now-overflowing policy recycle bin, what needs to be different?

External Article 12 Aug 2024