The role of a skills-based economy in helping to rebalance the UK’s economic geography and prosperity

Private Roundtable with Bridget Phillipson, Shadow Secretary of State for Education. 

Event starts on 14 June 2023

Skills are a strong predictor of employment outcomes across the country, be that in cities or towns, and they are also a strong predictor of economic performance – a place offering low numbers of high-skilled workers is much less likely to attract or grow a high-skilled business and pay higher wages. But how can we work collaboratively across the public, private and not-for-profit sectors to create a skills system that’s truly responsive to local need? And what future initiatives are needed to ensure that retraining and upskilling is accessible to those people and areas that most require it?

This session will seek to bring together senior figures from business, charities and academics in this space who have ideas on how to spur growth in regional economies through the skills agenda.

Attendance is by invitation only, please contact us on the details below if a representative from your organisation is interested in attending.

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Policy and Public Affairs Manager (On leave)

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