Roundtable: building a sustainable city

This roundtable with Bruce Katz will discuss how cities respond to changing infrastructure needs, and what can be learned from this.

Event starts at 12pm on 23 January 2017 at London, contact for details

Centre for Cities, Brookings and Siemens is hosting a high level roundtable discussing how cities can grow and develop in a sustainable way.

Global climate challenges play out every day in cities. As places plan for the future, it is vital that their energy and transport needs are designed and executed with long-term global and climate changes in mind.

Brookings, Siemens Cities and the Copenhagen Business School have been working together to understand how three very different cities have responded to changing infrastructure needs.  The research provides, for the first time, an understanding of how entities in the public, private and civic sectors interact to support successful projects.

This small, high level roundtable will bring together around 15 to 20 senior leaders in transport, energy and planning, as well as in national and local government, to discuss the findings and implications for UK cities. Bruce Katz, Brookings Institution will speak, along with other speakers to be confirmed.

This event is by invitation only. For more information contact Rita Beden on