We're delighted to have worked with the Deputy Prime Minister's office to host a one day event showcasing bold ideas for how to create a more prosperous northern economy. See the agenda and watch the whole event online.
starts on 6 November 2014 at Central Leeds
In partnership with the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office and supported by Carillion, today we are hosting a one-day conference in Leeds to answer the question ‘how do we build on the strengths in the north to create an economic core in the heart of the region to compete with the biggest cities in the world?
You can watch the full event below:
Chaired by: Andrew Carter, Acting Chief Executive, Centre for Cities
9.00am Arrivals and registration, tea and coffee
9.45am Welcome and introductions
Cllr Keith Wakefield (@CllrKWakefield), Leader, Leeds City Council
Freya Tweedy & Sam Simkins, students from Abbey Grange Academy
Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP (@DPMOffice), Deputy Prime Minister
10.10am Keynote speech by Jim O’Neill, Chair, City Growth Commission
10.30am Opening propositions: Changing the Rules of the Game
Pitches on:
Decentralisation: Prof Tony Travers, London School of Economics
Skills: Katie Schmuecker (@KatieSchmuecker), Joseph Rowntree Foundation