Conservative party conference roundtable: local skills, global challenge

Details of our roundtable at the Conservative party conference

Event starts at 9am on 2 October 2017

We are working in partnership with the University of Salford and Prospects on  high level roundtable during the Conservative party conference discussing the future of jobs, skills and how cities around the country can ensure they are ready for a new world of work.

From the days of the industrial revolution, cities have played a vital role in shaping and responding to how we work. Despite major advances in digital communications, the most modern businesses overwhelmingly choose to locate in cities – to be close to workers, ideas and infrastructure. But not all cities see the same level of growth in these new businesses.

As technological innovation continues at pace and new jobs are created in new sectors, people in cities around the country need to be equipped with the right skills to take on these new challenges. These high level, party conference roundtables will discuss and debate the ways policy can ensure that skills and education is responsive to future jobs, and ask how universities, businesses and other local institutions can support local policymakers in particular.

The roundtables will bring together around 25-30 invited guests from local and national government, business and the skills sector. Attendees will hear from senior speakers from both national and local government.

This event is by invitation only, for more information contact

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